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Business of Story

Nov 25, 2015

Justin Trevor Winters, screenwriter of the upcoming movie "Killing Winston Jones," joins the Business of Story Podcast to explore the intersection of Hollywood storytelling with commerce content marketing.

The Business of Story is sponsored by ACT!, Sigstr, and Zignal Labs.

  • ACT! helps individuals, small businesses, and sales teams organize prospect and customer details in just one place, ultimately driving sales. Visit and enter to win a pair of BOSE noice-cancelling headphones.
  • Zignal Labs is a real-time cross-media story tracking platform to make your life easier to see relevant data and reach your customers where they are. Stay ahead of what the world thinks with a free trial at
  • A company of just 100 employees sends 1,000,000 emails per year on average. What if you had a million new opportunities to engage your key customers and prospects? Sigstr opens up the marketing potential of employee emails. Learn 3 creative ways to unlock the power of email signatures:

In This Episode

  • Applying Hollywood storytelling to commerce content marketing in business
  • Movies—why do they work?
  • Why storytellers are the most sought after commodity in Hollywood, marketing, branding, and content marketing
  • Niche vs. mass audiences and how to identify your demographic and craft your story to connect with each
  • Story integrity and how to relate on a humanistic level



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