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Business of Story

Oct 29, 2017

Only when faced with a great adversary does our true character show. Modern humans rarely find themselves in such a situation, many never will. 

But those who experience fear during a crisis can create resiliency. It's in our darkest moments that we reveal our true character. Our guest today has used his story of...

Oct 22, 2017

We often see creative people as larger than life. People like Elon Musk, Maya Angelou, and Leonardo Da Vinci seem to have achieved a level of genius that is beyond anything we could ever imagine.

Creativity is a critical facet of any organization, yet we are told it’s something that a special few are gifted with. But...

Oct 15, 2017

Every day dozens of brands sneak into your mind. This genius performance of brand marketing happens on a level so subtle, you often won't recognize it has happened. How is this possible?

In recent years, brand strategists have begun to harness a powerful yet underutilized tool; audio. TV commercials, radio ads, even...

Oct 8, 2017

When you become proficient in your field, you’ll find people coming to you for your expert’s knowledge.

In fact, often your ability to educate peers on your methods will surpass the methods themselves. Every business professional has invaluable wisdom, but often they find it difficult to teach in a manner that...

Oct 1, 2017

We all have tremendous difficulty making a request.

It’s a humbling experience for everyone; you’re exposing your vulnerability to a person who has what you need. You may feel that your message is so compelling that customers will immediately decide to get involved, but almost always, they need a...